Thursday, April 23, 2020


Is it just me? Or are others noticing things they have never seen before as we navigate our course through this coronavirus era?

I have never had dry wrists before. Apparently I've been washing my hands wrong all these years. Moisturizing my hands up and beyond my wrists is becoming my new normal.

All the added hand washing has led to much more time in front of the mirror. I have decided to wear eyeliner "just for me". I don't like the look of myself much to start with, but the lack of "eyes" makes it harder to accept my appearance as it is.

Speaking of my appearance, all this mirror-gazing has led me to the decision to dye my roots after all. There is a LOT of gray throughout my head of hair. Vanity swoops in for the save.

I've been battling a sore eye for three weeks now. I sleep with eye drops at my side so I can hydrate my eyes when they wake up dry and sore in the middle of the night. I finally thought I was on the other side of the sore-eye-syndrome until I decided to put on eye liner after the weekend. My eye soreness resumed almost immediately. Is there a connection? I'll experiment another day. I have the time.

I have started dressing up for my day job. Primarily because not only have I outgrown my jeans (this was prior to self isolating), but my yoga pants are even tight! My new exercise regimen of walking to the printer numerous times throughout the day may make a difference in the long run. But for now? My dress pants are the only comfortable attire I own. The bonus is, I feel better about the way I look when I find myself in front of the mirror (again), washing my hands.

I find myself gazing out the living room window throughout my days, which has actually created some excitement about making time for window washing this weekend. I have disciplined myself to work within my allotted work hours, otherwise I may be tempted to squeeze this task into my work day like I used to putter at little household and yard tasks during my Daycare Days.

There is no multitasking in the bookkeeping world. You work or you don't. I choose to work. I am so very grateful for the job I have. In fact, I can honestly say I LIKE what I am doing. I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize this. Chores can wait. I am so pleased to actually be looking forward to tackling something outside of my home office.

I am seeing life through a new filter. Since I'm home so much, the incentive to tackle the yard work and housework is higher than usual. It is less of an item to stroke off my eternal to-do-list and more of an incentive in improving my daily scenery.

It's going to be a busy weekend. Hair coloring, window washing and raking. The trick will be to do this in the right order. I'm not so bored that I choose to deal with the aftermath of washing my hair more than one time during my days off.

What is coming into focus for you as you make your way through this time of self-isolation, social distancing and extra-curricular hand washing?

I am grateful for a life that is so unaffected by all that is going on within this world of ours, that I can waste my energy pondering such inane thoughts. I've always appreciated living within this safe little bubble I call my life. As we walk further into the days of COVID-19 pandemic, I am grateful. So grateful for what I have.

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