Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cats and Their Toys

Jet is a cat who always seems to be thinking. You can almost see the wheels turning as he navigates the human world he resides in and makes the best of his indoor-cat existence.

Jet's newest discovery -
resting in the recycling box due to some packaging paper remnants which attracted his attention this morning

He seems to teeter on the brink of boredom verses contentment. My guess is he finds his happiness somewhere in between the two. "What can I do to make this moment more interesting?" may be the human thought equivalent between what I assume is on his mind and his actions.

When he starts picking on Ray (our second cat in residence), I sometimes go on a toy hunt to distract Jet from being a pest. As much as I try to model putting the cat toys away in a small wicker box I have set out for their toys, I have never seen either cat put their toys away when they are done. Their toys are usually under the stove, fridge, couches or within sight but not within reach. 

When I hear a closet door opening without a human in sight, I can almost be certain it is Jet opening the closet to retrieve a lost toy. He hasn't managed to figure out how to open the bedroom doors due to the fact they are not lever door handles but he has mastered opening the folding closet doors like a pro. 

As much as I try to convince the cats to put their toys away when they are done, it isn't a lesson either cat is interested in learning. But this has been happening far too often to be considered a coincidence:

We have two "stuffed mice". These used to be Ray's favorite toys due to the cat nip which has lost its effect. Jet seems to have adopted these toys as his own . More often than not, I will find them carefully put to rest on my bed. I smile each and every time I find these "stuffed animals" on my bed, thinking that Jet likes to sleep with his stuffed toys and he's got them ready and waiting for cat-nap time.

Every time I see these mice waiting for me in my bed, I am just grateful Jet is not an outdoor cat. I can only imagine the "toys" he would bring home.

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