Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Multitasking - the art of successfully accomplishing multiple tasks at the same time. At one point, I considered myself an efficient multi-tasker. 

I hit my stride during my daycare days. I could serve lunch to a table full of pre-schoolers, feed the babies two at a time, refill plates of the toddlers, catch something before it hit the floor, watch over table manners and behaviour, while eating my lunch at the same time. 

I ran a well oiled machine here in those days. There was much to be done and only one person to do it. No choice. No problem. 

I didn't have time to think. I simply had time to act. I did what had to be done. 

Fast forward to the present. I now have a very difficult time asking a question and listening to the response in the appropriate time it takes a person to have a conversation. My attention span is that of a gnat. I have much to do and nothing seems to be getting done. 

This morning I turned on the news to watch a recap of Trudeau's COVID-19 update. I haven't watched the news for several weeks so I was amazed with the changes since I last tuned in. Not only do they have one person in the corner communicating in sign language, they have a second person in the other corner signing different hand gestures, while a third narrator is translating French to English.


Is there one sign language for French and another for English? I guess I assumed sign language was universal. I must be wrong. How in the world do they listen and translate simultaneously? I have tried listening to two people talk at the same time and hear neither. These people are listening, speaking, signing and are able to keep up with what is being said while translating what they just heard.

Color me impressed.

They suggest learning to dance, playing a musical instrument, taking different routes to your destination and doing crosswords as exercises to keep your brain functioning at its best. I'll bet these translators could do all three of the above at the same time and beat me to my destination. I'd love to see the neurotransmitters firing as they manage to listen, interpret, communicate and continue to listen at the same time. Their brains must be on fire.

I am grateful when someone doesn't ask me to repeat something I just heard. I don't gossip because I don't remember enough to retell a story. I don't change where I put something, nor do I do I hide something of value because I'm afraid I will never find it again.

Whatever you do, don't ask me what Trudeau may or may not have said in yesterday's news. I was too busy marveling at the efficiency of each of the translators. Meanwhile, I was thinking of Mom's comment when Trudeau was up for election. She said (something to the effect of) that he would get her vote because of the way he looked. Of all the things to be grateful for during this global pandemic, isn't it nice to have a rather good looking prime minister to look at while you tune into the morning news? 

Now what was I just writing about??

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