Tuesday, December 10, 2019

I'm Sorry

I apologize for writing of the inane, inconsequential, trivial and little things that fill my mind. Life is hard. When life feels hard, I look inward and try to focus on that which I can control.

I look around me and I see so many lives consumed with loss. Loss of health, loss of life, loss of stability, loss of independence, loss of memory, loss of income, loss of peace of mind, loss of a future life one was anticipating, loss of youth, loss of a parent/child/sibling/partner ... and the list goes on and on.

When the world feels dark and out of control, I hunker down, look inward and do what I can to regain the feeling of "I'm doing the best I can". I look outside for signs of life. Signs of presence of that which I have not seen with my own eyes.

Yes, this comes out in the trivial matters of my posts of late. When life feels like a sad and scary place, it feels good to regain my footing by doing what I can to make sense of the little things gone awry.

The courage to change what I can ...

This may come in the form of learning how to make my bed properly or lodging a complaint over dysfunctional pens. But it also comes in the form of doing my best, doing what is within my control and trying to be who I need to be, to the people who pass through my days.

When the going gets tough, it's hard. I know. But those rabbit tracks I see in the snow in our front yard has proven there is a presence all around me, even when I'm not looking.

Look for your "rabbit tracks". Just do what you can do. It is enough. Just keep swimming ...

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