Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Focusing on the Joy

I found this in my morning scroll through Facebook:

~ Ziad K. Abdelnour
Image from

So much truth in such a simple metaphor.

One's perception of "life" is so often where one places their focus.

I watch videos of children misbehaving and getting attention for their actions. 
Then we wonder why children are acting the way they do?

I scroll past information I find "jump on the bandwagon and 'hate' this person".
So much energy is spent on spreading the hate. 
And we wonder why there the peace within the world is threatened?

The state of our economy, job security, the value of our dollar and concern about the future?
They are all very valid concerns. 
Every time I start worrying about that which is out of my control, I look inward and try to find some small way in which I can control my very small piece of the puzzle (which is quite possibly why I spend an extraordinary amount of time scouring my financial spreadsheet to analyze my spending patterns and try to adapt better habits to secure a better future).

There is so very much that is out of our control within our world.

But if we focus on what's important,
Capture the joy we find along our way,
Develop from the negativity that surrounds us,
And just keep taking another shot when things go wrong,
 We will create a mental "photo album" that brings as much peace of mind as we can muster.

Thank you, Facebook for bringing the good stuff to our attention. 
I do not apologize for the negativity I quickly scroll past.

I am placing my focus on that which enlightens me and brings me joy.
It makes living in my happy little bubble wrapped world a better place to be.

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