Friday, December 20, 2019

It's Not the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I don't buy into the commercialism, high expectation and high stress levels of the Christmas season. I am not minimizing the sacredness many find at this time of year. I am frustrated over the anxiety it causes to those who strive to attain the "perfect" Christmas.

It seems to me that most things are magnified at this time of year. The good feels better, the bad feels worse, losses feel greater, loneliness is amplified, family harmony is tested, finances are stretched thin and whatever it is you feel deeply about, simply seems bigger than other times of the year.

I used to find my Christmas spirit in writing letters, creating a gift from the heart that was less about dollars spent and more about creating memories. I have succumbed less and less to the demands of the season and find myself calmer and calmer. The less I stress myself out, the more I notice those who are bending to the traditions of their past.

I'm not walking in the shoes of others so I cannot judge. I simply wonder.

I wonder if someone could find joy in finding some way to let go of past expectations and disappointments. Honor the past, focus on the lightness you feel in the memory, waft in it for a while and let it go...

I wonder if they could find comfort in enveloping the moment they are in, no matter who they are or are not spending their time with at Christmas...

I wonder if looking outside and finding wonder in the glistening snow, a blue sky or any one of nature's creatures that may come into view may lightness of heart...

I wish for simple things. White lights. The whisper of laughter within. Acceptance and grace of the moment one is in.

My wish is a hefty one. I know. If there was a Santa Claus, this would be my wish. Peace in your heart, comfort in your memories and hope for whatever tomorrow may bring.

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