Friday, January 10, 2020

January Thoughts

I did all the "hard things" yesterday morning and have found myself with time on my hands and a cup of coffee at my side. I shall stop by and visit for a while ...

There are so many catastrophic events happening in the world which makes any of the petty little worries I have feel small.

In light of that thought, life is ambling along quite well. It is starting to feel like January and I am grateful every time our furnace kicks in when I hike up the heat a notch and every single time the car starts and takes us to our destinations and back.

Do I miss my daycare days when I didn't have to leave the house, start the car or battle the elements other than what was required to tend to my daycare family? You bet.

Every time I think these thoughts I wonder how I can conspire to bring that-which-was-good about daycaring into my present day life. I had a routine that worked well.

I tended to all that needed to be tended before my daycare day began at 7:30 a.m.
We aimed to be ready to go for a walk, go outside or find some "adventure" by 9:00 a.m.
Lunch was at a regularly scheduled time and a balanced offering of all the food groups were offered.
Quiet time followed lunch time. Oh, how I miss quiet time!
This was followed by snack time, outdoor time as long as the weather allowed as our day wound down to a close.
I often had supper prepared and ready to consume as soon as my last daycare child left around 5:30 p.m.
The remainder of the day was mine to do with as I pleased.

What I would like to reinstate:

Complete all my household/personal tasks by 7:30
Eat regular and balanced meals
Spend time outside and simply breathe in fresh air and notice the wonders of nature
Quiet time
Work responsibilities end by 6:00 p.m.

These are not lofty goals. I cannot attain every item on my list. But I could tackle a few. In fact, I should be able to accomplish most. My work hours are presently out of my control. The time of day when I can work in my "quiet time" is not when I would prefer, but it exists.

The days are cold but the sun is shining a little longer each day. Spring is not yet around the corner but it will come.

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