Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Timing is Everything

It has been a busy little space here within this head of mine lately. Considering the seriousness of the matters that have been wafting through my thoughts, added to the fact that we are knee deep in winter, I am very pleased at how I'm rolling with "life".

This renovation project couldn't have happened at a more inconvenient time but it has been mind altering. Instead of stewing about things which are out of my control, I've been making black and white decisions. Literally. Choosing paint colors. Choosing flooring. Deciding on a painter. Scheduling a tentative plan of attack.

This reno project has taken up valuable real estate within my brain and I couldn't be more grateful.

I had "a day" at work yesterday. Normally a day such as this would be my undoing. Instead, an update from my son after visiting his dad took priority, as we drove home from our long day away from home. Upon our arrival back home, my son mentioned how much he was enjoying coming home each day and seeing the progress on our kitchen reno.

Yes, there have been some serious thoughts bouncing around our lives lately. But we have had some most excellent distractions.

As wrong as it felt to go full speed ahead with this renovation despite all that was happening in the world outside of our doors, I am SO grateful to have chosen this particular path at this exact time.

I think of the timing. I think of Mom. I know she would be grateful we are going full speed ahead. Though ... I can almost hear her voice saying, "I thought you would start with getting a shower downstairs though ..."

Timing is everything, Mom. In time ... all will happen exactly as it should.

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