Thursday, June 13, 2019

I'll Show You What There is in a People House *Updated*

I awoke to the sudden movement of cats in my bed. I blinked my eyes open and this is what I saw:

Two cats on high alert, gazing toward the window. I thought they had spotted a spider. I was wrong.

It was birds. Birds swooping and diving and zooming past my bedroom window like they have never done before. I fear birds have moved into our attic.

I just Googled "How often to robins nest?" Answer: Two to three times a year. 
Sparrows nest two to four times a year.

"Come inside, said the bird to the mouse ..."

I think we may have birds in our People House.

*Update (2 hours later)*

I stepped outside to take out the garbage and look what I spotted sitting in the rafters:

Perhaps he was just trying to get out of the sun?? I needed to stay and watch his motives...

The minute I stopped filming this, this little bird flew out of our attic with (what I can only assume was) his mate. A dull colored bird of the same variety. 

We not only have birds ... we will very likely end up with eggs. I don't know how fast things happen in the bird world but I'm not feeling too good about this new development.

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