Saturday, June 8, 2019

Rabbit Radar

I heard a different than usual kind of "meow" from the living room this morning. It wasn't an "I'm bugging my Brother Cat" kind of meow. It wasn't the chirpy meow that accompanies bird watching. It was a "purry" kind of meow. Something had captured Jet's interest and his meow piqued my curiousity. 

It turns out it was Jet's "I see a rabbit" meow. Look who was resting under the tree in our very own front yard!!

I grabbed my coffee and simply savored the moments for as long as they lasted. The rabbit (who may or not be "Jerry", the rabbit who I made eye contact with a few nights ago) was still for many minutes. Then I saw him chewing. I think he found the rabbit food I sprinkled under the tree several weeks ago in an attempt to lure rabbits into our yard.

I had all but given up on my rabbit food attraction and was (still am, actually) considering growing a "rabbit garden". Lettuce, specifically. I am just pondering where I could make this happen. Does lettuce grow under a fir tree? That is a thought for another day ...

After "Jerry", the rabbit finished nibbling on what he found under our tree, he hopped across the street and enjoyed whatever our neighbor's yard was serving up for dessert. If you look real hard, you can spot him.

I've zoomed in on him here:

Jerry spent a fair little bit of time enjoying the nourishment he found in our neighorbor's yard (what do they have that we don't have, I wondered) before he hopped off into his day.

This rabbit gazing moment was brought to you compliments of "Jet" - the cat who has developed a special meow to indicate the presence of rabbits in the area. I hope he hones his Rabbit Radar and alerts me on an ongoing basis.

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