Tuesday, June 4, 2019

I Met a Rabbit

When I went to check the mailbox when I got home last night, there was something that caught my eye. I simply extended my view from the mailbox to our neighbor's yard and there it was. A young rabbit.

The door was already open. I simply stepped outside in my bare feet and silently padded my way along to get a better view.

The rabbit hopped through our yard then stopped at the cat walk beside our driveway. The rabbit was on full alert. Ears perked up and I'm sure in its peripheral vision, it was watching me as closely as I was watching it. We both stopped in our tracks, tested our trust-o-meters and simply breathed.

The rabbit nibbled on a few weeds. Sat up. Watched. Listened. Then washed one side of its face. Sat up. Turned to face me and we made face to face contact. It washed the other side of its face. We were both well aware of the other's presence. It trusted me enough to simply be still and let me soak up the moments.

Minutes passed. Nothing startled the rabbit so it stayed put. I watched him. He was fully aware of me. No one broke the barrier of trust that stood between us. No one's personal space was invaded. No sudden moves or startling sounds. It was a moment. Just the rabbit and me.

I thought of the rabbits in Mom's neighborhood and how close Mom could be to them as she moved slowly and quietly through her yard. I suspect they watched her as much as she watched them.

I introduced myself to our neighborhood rabbit last night. I watched him. He watched me. Step one in forging a small sense of trust.

Another moment brought to you courtesy of Mother Nature.

I met a rabbit and I shall dub him "Jerry". Show me the bunny! And the bunny appeared.

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