Monday, June 10, 2019

Open Rafters and Open Invitations

This could be a boring little post but it is a follow up to my rants from yesterday morning...

The first thing on yesterday's agenda was to have my Second Son check out our attempt to install a new burner for our barbeque. He quickly assessed the situation, secured the "venturi connection", we lit up the barbeque and deemed it safe and secure enough to cook some burgers for lunch.

As I suspected, when I told my son about my concern over birds finding their way into the attic he downplayed the possibility and didn't add fuel to my fire. Then he proceeded to move on with the removal of the remaining soffit. I pulled nails while he pulled down plywood. It took me quite a while to make it out to the front where the first thing that caught my eye was this:

Oh my gosh! This is wide open into the attic. "An eagle could fly in here!", I exclaimed. In my son's calm, cool demeanor he agreed but assured me it is not nesting season. It would be okay.

I begged him to block up the openings but he wouldn't budge. Yes, a bird could easily fly into the attic. But it would fly out again.

I lost that battle and carried on with the day.

We enjoyed the menu I had planned for the prior day's supper for lunch. My youngest son chose not to join us so when he got up (much) later in the day, I chided him that I planned for that to be his birthday supper (then lunch, when supper plans were aborted). "I planned a birthday meal for you and you didn't come ..."

My boys are used to my excessive words and trumped up emotional outbursts, so my youngest son (much like his older brother) nodded, smiled, did not disagree with me but didn't heighten the discussion either. Oh well, at least he has some decent leftovers for a while.

I puttered outside all day. I accomplished so very little in the whole scheme of things but slowly but surely I made a difference.

The yard is tidied up from the weekend's demolition, I picked some weeds, mowed some grass, found nails, nails and more nails as I scoured the area below the eaves. I made a potato salad and barbequed a meal. Then I showered. I can't remember a time when I felt so dirty.

It was a productive weekend but at the end of it all, everything looks pretty much the same. Except the underside of our eaves.

Things will start to take on a noticeable change next weekend. Our outdoor maintenance is happening in bits and spurts. I still find it hard to feel as excited as I did during our main floor renovation but I know I will enjoy the end result.

Slowly but surely we will make it through this season of maintenance. It will all be worth it in the end.

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