Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Irony of It All

Enter the girl who has been full of complaints about the high cost of maintaining her laminate flooring since its date of installation.

This girl has complained of wafting cat hair, endless need to vacuum, accumulation of said cat hair on the walls/doors/baseboards due to the fact that carpeting is no longer in the house to capture and hold onto said cat hair and allowing the above mentioned person to take care of cleaning on her own terms.

Add the complaint that spillage on laminate flooring reverberates and splashes long and far and wide. When you spill a liquid on laminate, look UP. And across. And behind the area of spillage.

Listen to all of the above and you may assume this person is not appreciating her laminate to the fullest.

Guess what this laminate-complaining-person found this morning?

A carpet beetle.

One lone beetle in a house that has little to no carpeting. Oh, the irony of it all...

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