Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kodak Moments

 "The world lost a beautiful girl today" were the words my friend wrote to describe the inexplicable loss their family faced yesterday.

I became Facebook friends with my friend's son and his wife long ago and have been a silent cheerleader as the highlights of their lives were posted on their Facebook statuses. 

They regularly posted pictures of themselves together, their much adored chihuahua, their move into their new home and anticipated arrival of a new puppy they planned to adopt and bring home the day after she suffered a brain aneurysm.

Last night, I scrolled through this beautiful girl's Facebook page and read her words, felt her anticipation and marveled over the life this young soul was anticipating.

Frustrations over the isolation during this time of COVID, missing her family, friends and openly declaring her joy for having them in her life and anticipating getting beyond the isolation and getting back to a world where face to face visiting was the norm.

She was admitted into the hospital three weeks ago. Due to the COVID restrictions, only her husband and mom could visit her. 

I think of this beautiful girl and hope she could feel the love, support and prayers that were directed her way. I think of my friend's son and the support he must have needed as he navigated days nothing in the world could have prepared him for. I think of this girl's mom, her dad, family and friends. 

A young man lost his wife yesterday. Her parents lost their daughter. A vital member of the family will never come home again. Friends are lost and heartbroken.

If it were not for her regular posts documenting the joys in her life, her love for her husband, family and friends and her hopes and dreams for the future, those who are mourning her loss would have just a little bit less to hold onto.

Twelve hours before her life changed in a moment, she snapped a picture of the joy she was living in, in that very moment. "A Kodak moment", she wrote.

Enjoy those Kodak moments in time. The world is a better place when you savor the moment you are in and openly appreciate those who mean the world to you.

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