Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Same Old, Same Old (The Sequel)

I woke up this morning, bemoaning the fact that I will eventually have to leave the house today and wondered what I would wear. Oh, how I would love to be a cartoon character with a closet full of identical clothing. No choices to make, no worries about how something may feel/look or go together. Just a grab and go wardrobe with no need to spend time thinking.

Wilma Flintstone comes to mind when I think of cartoon wardrobes. She wore the same dress day in and day out throughout her stint on the Flintstones. She did have a dressy version of the very same dress and her maternity wardrobe was adapted to fit her figure. But all in all? One dress fit all occasions. Just accessorize and change the material and/or length as required.

Speaking of Wilma, what about that hair? Same style. Day in, day out. In all my recollections of the Flintstones, I cannot recall a time when a hair was out of place. Same color. No bad hair cuts. No bad hair days. Same. Same. Same. I have often said I'd like hair like a short-haired cat. Who has ever taken a cat for a haircut? The graying process is gradual and natural. Short and simple? I would just like hair that always looked the same. Day in, day out. No maintenance required. 

I believe I may have been a cartoon character in another life. My longing for sameness and predictability is ongoing. Sure, cartoon shows have their climactic peaks and valleys. But everything is solved by the end of the half hour show. No cliff hangers. No season finales full of mystery and intrigue. Same. Same. Same.

At the end of the above paragraph, I titled this post "Same Old, Same Old". I had a déjà vu moment and immediately searched my blog for a post of a similar title. Sure enough, on November 27th, 2019 I have a post with the identical title with not only an identical theme, but I wrote about my desire to have hair like a cat.

Maybe I already am a cartoon character. Living life on repeat is calming and predictable. But does anyone else get the feeling I am writing about the same thing over and over again? Yep. Me too.

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