Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Twenty Years From Now

Where will we be twenty years from now?

This was a question that was tossed into the room where I sat with my siblings in a light hearted kind of way. I believe we were reflecting on the video recording we had of all four of us made twenty three years ago. Then we tossed out the notion of where we would be twenty years in the future ...

The comment "You will be ninety years old!" was directed towards the oldest in our family. We laughed. Then the reality of where we will actually be in twenty years fell down upon the room like a quiet fog.

Twenty years. It is impossible to imagine and I won't go into all the possibilities. There are many. So very many.

As I think of my uncle who will soon be 90 years old and his three brothers who are flying out to join in on the milestone birthday celebration, I can't help but hope that will be us in twenty years.

We had a few gatherings while my soon-to-be-ninety year old uncle was here for a visit this summer. All of his siblings attended each one of the events. Various nieces and nephews gathered at each - if a person couldn't make it to one, they may have been able to make it to the other.

As I sit still and think of my siblings and each one of our own families, I can see us doing the same for each other twenty years from now.

It is a dream worth holding onto ...

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