Friday, September 27, 2019


Overthinking has never worked for me. I have no idea why I keep thinking I can find a better way by thinking too much. But I keep doing what I have done in the past, hoping for better results. So far, my success rate has been pretty close to nil.

Go with the flow
Trust the thoughts you wake up with
Let it go
Keep it simple
Trust the process

These are the mantras I keep trying to teach myself. Yet I continue to overthink far too much.

I spent far too long trying to find a way to make some reservations more economical. I may have saved myself $18.86 ... but then again? Maybe not.

I changed a flexible reservation for accommodations to a non-refundable one. I changed the guests from "three" to "two". Now if someone does take us up on our offer to join us, I will have cost us money.


Let it go. It is a done deal. There is no going back now. 

But there is another life lesson for the books. Don't think so much!!

On the flip side, I learned from yesterday's lesson when our cat playfully tipped my morning smoothie all over me and the surrounding area. I held on tightly to my morning drink and maintained order in one area of my life. I should have let go of the rest.

May you take what you learned yesterday to make today a better day! 

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