Friday, June 22, 2018

Hello Weekend!

Well Weekend, you have arrived once again. I was more prepared for you last week. This week I am on standby mode.

The lawn has not been mowed, the car needs gas and the fridge is hungry for some groceries. The house needs a good vacuuming, my hair needs a good washing and the windows could use a little cleaning.

There are things to be done, places to go and I have not done any of the hard things before this day-before-the-weekend has rolled around once again.

I am not sitting in a state of euphoria at the moment but that's okay. We create our own bliss and one cannot appreciate the wonder of life if you live life on a high note all the time.

I'm sitting comfortably on a plateau I know well. I don't have to rush while sitting enjoying this particular view. Everything important has been done and there is always time for all the rest.

I'm in a spot where I can sit back and dream a little when someone asks if I can join them on a last minute holiday.

I'm in a pick up and go mode where I can change directions at a moment's notice.

I may not have all the little details of life tended to at this moment in time. But I will. All in due time.

It isn't going to be the unplugged and blissfully quiet weekend I enjoyed a week ago but the next few days have their own hidden treasures within. Seek and you shall find.

Hello Weekend, my old friend. I look forward to your return and am grateful you are always on the horizon.

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