Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Mission Statement

So few words, so little time. I guess this is a winning combination. Except for the fact that I have been trying very hard to maintain the habit of writing each day. Morning writing works best for me and there has been a little "scarcity" in my morning hours. Thus I have not been keeping up.

In stepping away from the computer keypad and reflecting, I have begun to wonder that perhaps this is a good thing. As I sit still each morning and sort through the rubble of my mind, is it a positive thing to write down the minutia of my thought processes? I am thinking ... not.

I believe I need to set up some rules for writing here in this little space.
  • focus on the positive
  • humor
  • light hearted life stories with a lesson
  • writing from a scar (not a gaping open wound)
  • less is more
A mission statement. I need a mission statement to guide my thoughts towards. Without overthinking it, I have returned to a cover letter I once sent off in my quest to become a weekly column writer. This is what I found: 

"I am a product of what I have lived, read, heard and witnessed. One sentence or glimpse of life passing by me inspires my daily meanderings. Sometimes deep and insightful. Other times food for thought. Then there are the times when life simply tickles my funny bone."

Two years later, I revamped that cover letter to read:

"Everyone wakes up with the same 24 hours ahead of them. Some of those days are special but most are just another regular day. There are little gems within each day we are given. The days that feel laden with burdens and worries don't last forever (though at times it feels that they do). But in the end, we usually come out the other side of a tough situation a little bit wiser and with a new appreciation of how extraordinary it really is ... just to live 'another ordinary day in our life'."

It can all be wrapped up by focusing on the little gems within each day. It's time to get out of my own head and look up. 

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