It is rather enjoyable to have something to look forward to the end of each work day. In our case, our work week has become a game of "I wonder what our Reno Guy has done today?!!"
Some people gain great satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment by doing all of their renovations themselves. I do not. I don't even apologize for it. I am who I am, and I am a person who (in a perfect world) would hand over my keys, leave instructions with someone who knew me well enough to act in my absence, take a holiday (this is the only time "taking a holiday" holds a great appeal to me) and come home when the renovations were fully complete, the house reassembled and a professional cleaner had dusted all the nooks and crannies and shone everything to perfection.
I'll take "second best". Second best to me, is leaving the house each morning to go to work (this is the only time "going to work" holds great appeal to me) and coming home to the day's renovations complete and tidied up.
It is like Christmas morning here, each and every day in and around 7:30 p.m.
The tedious parts of the kitchen work is complete. This is what we came home to, two nights ago:
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New counter tops (the day prior); tiles and fully functional kitchen sink |
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I'm lovin' the look of our new sink! It totally fits in with our new decor (I just hope I can keep it this shiny) |
And last night, we came home to this!
Our cupboard doors, new hinges and latches complete the look. Doesn't this look totally awesome?!?!!
The great debate last night was whether to grout the tiles with white grout or colored (light grey). I took a vote and the majority sided with my decision to go "white". If it looks too white and bright, we can accessorize with some color. Any color!
On today's agenda is grouting and painting I believe.
Now the hard part begins.
Tomorrow is officially DEMO DAY. All carpets, baseboards, door casings and doors will go. We will be living in a construction zone for the next few weeks.
First item on the agenda? Painting the entire main floor. Secondly? New flooring throughout. Last but not least? The finishing touches - baseboards, new doors/closet doors and door mouldings.
After that, I can only imagine the expenses which will occur as lighting, electrical outlets, cold air registers, blinds and such will beg to be updated.
Then my work begins.
Moving back upstairs. Dusting off each and every item as I replace it back into its spot. Felt foot pads for the furniture. Worrying about nicking the paint or scratching the floor will become our new reality.
As we inch toward the end goal, I find myself thinking "Now I know how Mom must have felt when young children came to call in her house which was decorated to Mom's specifications." Hardwood floors, oak furniture and other items which must have caused Mom to cringe when leaving said children unattended. Most knew "Mom's rules" and abided by them without question.
Thought to ponder as I enter the world of a new-to-us kind of home: "Will I become my mother?"
Time will tell...
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