Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Another Month Bites the Dust

Another month has flown by in my bookkeeping world and I continue to run out of month before I run out of work. 

I remember the saying "There is too much month left over at the end of the money" which has been the story of my life as I have precariously balanced my personal finances throughout my adulthood.

This is a new dilemma. "There is too much work left at the end of the month".

This is either very good (if there continues to be work to do, this helps my job stability) or very bad (if I an not working efficiently enough perhaps there is a better person for my job).

At this very moment in time, it feels like a good thing. I am working. I am working hard. I am working a lot. I am working hard at becoming more proficient at my job. I am working from home.

I am working. I feel valued. I feel productive (most days). 

I am busy. My mind is consumed. There is a defined difference between "work", "leisure" and "me time".

I am earning my way, paying the bills and keeping on top of where I need to be financially.

In this world, especially during this time, I recognize and appreciate how truly blessed I am to have all of the above.

Where would I be without my job? How much of my identity and self worth is intertwined with what I do and my ability to earn a pay cheque? If I wasn't working, would I continue to feel valued, productive, busy and my thoughts consumed with life outside myself? Would my days have definition or would they all start to blur together and feel the same?

Life as we know it can change in a New York minute. At this moment in time, I am grateful. Simply grateful. 

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