Sunday, July 21, 2019

All I Have Are Ingredients!

I am sitting here in the afterglow of a perfect Sunday morning.

I have done "the hard things" on this morning's agenda. I am ready for a reward of the edible kind.

What I am craving has to be cooked. I hear this little whiny voice inside my head moaning, "All I have is ingredients!!"

Anybody want to go out for brunch? No! Wait!! I would have to wash my hair first. I can do more hard things. I can scramble some eggs and make some toast. That is easier than washing my hair.

But wait! I still have to wash my hair. Sigh ... the list of "hard things" is eternal. Maybe I just crossed the easy things off my list.

Hey wait again!! I haven't even cleaned the cat litter yet. What in the world have I been doing these past three hours?

I have been tying up loose ends from yesterday and I wrote a letter. I haven't done ANY of the hard things yet. No wonder I'm sitting in the afterglow of a perfect Sunday morning.

I have been following my whims and going wherever the morning has taken me. It hasn't taken me far. I think I better scramble up some ingredients and wash my hair. That is the least I could do with this most excellent Sunday morning.

Thankfully, I have all the ingredients I need to create an idyllic kind of day.

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