Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Invitations, Rentals and a Steamin' Hot Car

The morning has taken on a life of its own with little time left to write.

Final invitation emails and text messages for a family gathering have been sent. I labor over these things more than I should. Thankfully I started formulating my thoughts yesterday morning. I finished them up and sent them off this morning.

My invitations have been fairly well received so I believe it would make for a more leisurely afternoon/evening of visiting if ample tables and chairs are provided. I found some. They are available. There is the small detail of delivery though. It's those small details that trip you up, isn't it?

I was turning off on my way home from work last night when I smelled a "poof" of antifreeze; followed by smoke (I believe it was steam but my heart felt "smoke"). I fear I may have let my antifreeze reservoir run dry (my bad!!! - no excuse for that) but I got the car to my friendly, neighborhood mechanic to ensure I didn't ruin anything by driving a few more minutes (and to double check my diagnosis). This may or may not end well ..

So much to do ... so little time to squeeze it all in.

I could have been on holidays this week. Sigh.

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