Thursday, August 29, 2019

Two Hours

I got off work two hours early yesterday and it felt like I gained a day.

I not only had time to run an errand on my way home but I was home in time for supper. Energized by being home so early, I did a load of laundry, vacuumed the basement, cooked up some chicken and tended "cat chores" to make this morning run a little smoother.

It was so easy to hop out of bed this morning without "all of the above" looming over my head and beckoning to be done before I left for work today.

It feels good to wake up to a clean slate. This morning was all about list-making and getting everything that needs to be done before the weekend, done.

There are so many loose ends to tie up. At home and at work. It was a very good day to have two extra hours at my disposal.

For me, ambition often results in more ambition.

What did I do with all the nooks and crannies this morning? I cleaned our square kitchen sink [side note: if you use your kitchen for more ornamental and serviceable purposes, I don't know if you may want one for regular kitchen usage]; I cleaned the crevices of our printer; I sorted/organized our freezer foods a little; I washed another load of laundry; and basically started crossing a few things off my list of tomorrow's things-to-do list.

It seems to matter not, what time I try to create for myself in the morning, I can fritter it away like nobody's business [hmmm ... if it's nobody's business, why am I writing about it?].

I love my mornings. This morning was especially enjoyable due to the two bonus hours I had at my disposal yesterday.

How can we create those "bonus hours" for ourselves? Perhaps that is why some stay up late at night and others get up earlier in the morning. Maybe that is why we sleep in, run late and rush to do too many things in too short of a time period.

If we don't intentionally create the time we need, we make do in other ways.

For me, getting up early is where it's at. But the gift of two unexpected hours off of work is a gift like no other. I'm glad I didn't waste it.

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