Saturday, March 4, 2023

They Are (still) Here

I woke up without an agenda this morning. All I knew for sure was I didn't want any demands placed upon me upon my waking. I succeeded.

I was awake and out of bed by 5:00 am. "I should grab a cup of coffee and place myself at the computer keyboard and see what happens", I thought to myself.

I made a cup of coffee and turned on the TV instead. Always a bad move. 

Thanks to the relentless swishing of our cat's tail bashing me across the head as I nestled into the couch in my favorite TV watching position, I was alerted to this sight:

I haven't had an actual rabbit-sighting for a good, long while. The evidence they leave behind is all I need. Lots and lots (and lots) of rabbit tracks in the snow. Also a lot of "rabbit fertilizer" underneath the fir tree (where I just happen to leave some grain out for any critter who is looking for a winter supplement). 

I love taking in their unseen presence but I still revel in an actual rabbit sighting. The last two wild critters to cross my path have been red foxes. One fox ran across the highway in front of me as I was driving to my weekend oasis. The second fox ran in front of my aunt's deck and was gone faster than I could get up off the chair and investigate further.

What is the symbolism behind spotting a fox? Without doing a spec of research, my first instinct was to wonder if the presence of foxes had anything to do with the lack of rabbits I have seen.

Thus, I was grateful to spot these rabbits this morning. Evidence suggested rabbits were dominating the landscape but it is always nice to see things with my own two eyes.

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