Wednesday, March 15, 2023

One Tab at a Time

I was making a cup of coffee to bring with me into my cozy little writing spot, wondering what to write about this morning. I had scribbled the words "Multitasking - like a two year old when I ran my daycare". As I thought that thought, instead of pouring milk into my coffee cup, I poured it into the small glass where I keep my daily vitamins (so I had my vitamins with/in milk this morning and several hours ahead of schedule). Apparently, I can't even think and make a cup of coffee at the same time these days. 

Talking? My brain to mouth connection is going. I'm thinking one thing and saying another. I catch myself at times "Did I just say 'chicken'? I meant to say 'kitchen'." Other times someone else catches me, "You put the sheets in the oven? [washer]" As often as I catch myself, I wonder how many times I don't.

Housecleaning? I prefer to focus on one task at a time but when expecting company, suddenly there are at least sixteen things I want to get done. I flit from one task to the next, leaving a trail like a young child does when they lose interest in a toy. I would smile to myself when I found one toy dropped when a new one was picked up, find the new toy and the same chain reaction. I find the vacuum cleaner, lights left on, rags and cleaning accessories in much the same manner as the two year old who dropped a toy when they found something more interesting. 

Work? My office zone is like nothing I have worked in before. I'm a stickler for organization. A place for everything and everything in its place. If I could stick to one task when I work, I would get so much done. But the phone rings, an incoming text or email or someone dropping off something. All work-related, each requiring my attention. I drop what I'm working on and pick up the new toy piece of paper, work on that distraction and often get distracted again (and again) before I'm back on task. 

I also have a little problem with multi-tabbing while puttering away on my own time. I open one tab on the computer to listen to a podcast; open a second tab to work on word/number puzzles; get stuck on a puzzle so open a third tab to start a new puzzle and go to the one I'm stuck on later; need a clue to figure out an answer to a puzzle and open a fourth tab; then decide to check on my bank and credit card balances; then remember I had some emails to follow up on .... 

Aaack!! At what point does a person wonder if they have a medical condition? Spitting out the wrong words is worrisome. Catching myself in the act is a relief. Finding cleaning tools strewn about the house is exasperating but I do remember how I got pulled off task and eventually it all gets done. I'm getting my work done and meeting deadlines but I almost forgot a deadline this month and we are at the half way mark. Multi-tabbing is something I consciously deal with. I take a deep breath and consciously close the excess tabs. "One tab at a time, girl. One tab at a time."

I used to feel like a multitasker extraordinaire. I prided myself on starting six different tasks, knowing each of those tasks would be done. Now? When I find the vacuum cleaner in the middle of the hall after a day or two? I put it away. I close the tab on that. 

One task at a time. One tab at a time. If only life didn't come with so many distractions ...

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