Sunday, May 12, 2019

Just Another Day

It's Mother's Day. So many wistful thoughts are floating through my mind.

Mom, of course I'm thinking of you but that is not unusual. I don't think of you any more or any less because of a date or Hallmark occasion. I think of you because you are, always have been and always will be my mom. You are interwoven within my genes, my heart, my soul, my thoughts, my past, my present and my future. I am grateful.

I think very little of my label as "Mom" on Mother's Day because, as it is with how I feel about Mom, it is how I feel about being a mom. I don't think of the role I play within my children's lives any more or any less because of a certain date on the calendar. I think of my children because they are a part of me, my past, my present and future. They carry a part of me within them and I hope and pray it is "enough".

I like to celebrate the moments as they unfold in life. Unchoreographed, unexpected, spur of the moment little nothings that all add up to something larger than life.

As I have leafed through the decades of cards, letters, small gifts and little nothings I gave to Mom over the years, I am grateful for the reminder that as a daughter I did my best. I think it was enough.

When I sit still with my memories of Mom, of being a mom and thinking of those who are missing their mom I hope others find serenity within their day as wistful thoughts waft through their mind.

I am grateful for all the occasions that feel like Mother's Day despite what the calendar says. I am blessed to have such a collection of such memories.

Any day is Mother's Day in my little world. May you find peace within your day, any day. Let the good stuff sift to the top and lose yourself in the moments as they unfold.

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