Monday, May 13, 2019


I have the luxury of having Mondays off from one of my jobs which allows me to start my work week at 4:00 p.m. on Monday verses 9:30 a.m. Let me tell you, that bonus 6.5 hours is a gift like no other.

Mondays off are not set in stone. My boss is very flexible when I need to take a day off or shift a work day so I do my best to work when she needs me. As a rule, we can make Monday off a reality.

I am just easing into my final hour of my weekend and revelling in a Monday I have most thoroughly enjoyed.

My best weekends are when I park my car Friday night and it doesn't move until I go to work on Monday. I can stay home and waste time like nobody's business. Quiet time + a little puttering + cooking a meal (maybe two) + an ample dose of Netflix + unexpected company and/or phone calls = Perfection

Life has felt somewhat hectic this past short while. My son's play instigated a flurry of company, late hours, extra-curricular conversation and activity which has wiped my energy levels dry. My work week is highly interactive and I recharge my batteries by going home and being silent. I have been talking far too much lately.

My boss and I discussed our upcoming work week on my last day of work last week. Our plan was for me to work today. The very idea of going into work this morning brought me to my knees. So last night, I called and asked if I could work Tuesday through Thursday instead. She agreed.

I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. I revelled in the last of my conscious hours last night and enjoyed sleeping in this morning, with both cats at my side. I had a leisurely morning and then I did the hardest of things. I left the house.

I have accomplished more in the last four hours, than I have all weekend. A few ready-to-eat meals have been prepared, the lawn is mowed (all I had to do was buy gas for the lawnmower and my son took care of the rest), a broken picture frame has been replaced, the tail end of one hand lotion has been emptied into another, my sister's amended tax form is done and ready to be sent off ... none of these tasks were big. But they just seemed to pile up on me and felt hard.

Energy begets energy. Doing one thing spurs on the energy to do the next. And so on and so forth. I know I feel better when I am on top of the chore list within my little world. Today? I feel like I'm back on top of things again.

Mondays off are one of my most favorite things. I think I'm ready for the week now. 

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