Saturday, May 25, 2019

Filled to Overflowing

Do you ever have those moments that are fleeting but in the millisecond that you stop to breathe it in, it is like you are feeling the miracle of life? I get these flashes of clarity that feel bigger than life. Let me tell you about my last moment such as this ...

My sister invited me to go to Cher with her a while back. It took but a nanosecond for me to read and respond to this invitation. "Yes" was the only option that crossed my mind. Cher's concert was two nights ago.

My sister has had an occasion to sleep over here four times in the last seven weeks. She has a bed with her name on it. Anything I need to remember to give her is simply tossed onto "her" bed until the next time.

Our visits are quick, light, easy and always leave me feeling on top of the world. We decided to go out for breakfast in honor of our last sister sleepover for a while. As I was driving into Denny's parking lot, my heart simply swelled up with joy.

Each and every one of our visits has been great. Last night was the grand finale of them all. We shared a drink before supper then headed off to our evening's entertainment. The long line up moved quickly and when we got to the part where our tickets were scanned, my sister was told "Don't go anywhere", so she didn't. My ticket was scanned and we were told to go to the Ticket Exchange table to get better seats.

We felt like we had won a lottery until we found the table and back tracked to the end of another very long line. I guess we weren't so special after all. None-the-less we were still thrilled with the upgrade.

The feeling that I had won the lottery stayed with me all night. My sister is joyful, says "yes" to life's invitations, loves the moment she is in, adores her family, honors her friends, she works as hard as she plays and it simply feels good to be in her presence.

We shared a drink and conversation when we got home from seeing Cher, woke up and continued the conversation over a cup of coffee, then drove to Denny's where we would complete that conversation over breakfast.

Driving into Denny's parking lot, my heart filled to overflowing. I was loving the moment I was in, grateful for all the visits we've had and looking forward to when our lives intersect again.

The connection within our family is a gift I cherish like no other. It fills me up, makes me whole and calms my soul. I am grateful. I am so very grateful.

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