Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Power to Take the "Blech" Out of My Morning

I woke up late.

I wrote my morning pages fast and furious. I didn't stop to think. I just wrote. And wrote and wrote. The next thing I knew, I was at the end of my third page and I had that little morning task off my to-do-list.

I did my word and number puzzles next. Tuesday, as a general rule, isn't too taxing on the brain. I sped through my puzzles and still had time to write.

I wrote two blog posts, thoughts taken directly from my morning pages which may not have been inspirational, deep or amusing to anyone but me. But I wrote. I wrote out loud. Another one of the "hard things" marked off my mental to-do-list.

I made some toast and assembled my lunch. I had time to putter with little odds and ends. I printed off my bills; I scanned through the blogs I follow to see if anyone had posted anything new; I made a third cup of coffee; and here I am.

I had time to go for a walk this morning. I didn't take advantage of the moment and now it is too late.

My word of the morning (after I realized the world as I knew it was not coming to an end - see dream sequence one post down) was "Blech".


My word of the day. I had the power to take the "blech" out of my morning and clear my head with a brisk morning walk. I didn't take advantage of the moment. I didn't realize what I missed until I missed it.

Lesson for today. Remember this. Don't overthink the moment. Just "do it". When I wake up feeling like the world is coming to an end ... and it isn't ... and the next conscious thought I have is "Blech" ... WALK.

Walk it off. Look up to the sky, remind myself how big the world is, how small I am and things always work out in the end.

I have the power to overrule the "blech" in my mind. Mind over matter, girl! Just walk it off while the walking is good.

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