Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Most Excellent Day

I don't think there is a secret formula behind the day which unfolded yesterday but if I was to choose one thing that set the wheels in motion for the day which unfolded, it would be:

Get up, get moving, create space for whatever the day has in store.

Secondly, setting a date, a place and a time to pick up a friend spurred me into action. I had plans at 1:00 p.m. so everything I wanted to do at home needed to be done within a set time frame.

Do your impossible things before lunch. 

My definition of impossible things changes by the moment. Yesterday I had a small list of tedious tasks I hoped to accomplish. I was on top of things at home and was just headed out the door when I received an invitation to meet for brunch.

Accept invitations whenever the answer is an easy "Yes!!"

I had one errand to run en route to my brunch date. Amazingly, I didn't have to wait; I received an easy "Yes!" to my query; and I was on the road headed to my brunch date ahead of schedule and life was feeling pretty great.

Enjoy the moment you are in, while you are in it.

Like a fleeting sunrise or sunset, life is full of unexpected "moments" when you least expect them. They can't be planned or choreographed. They happen when they happen. Even things that feel like an inconvenience can end up making room for something good to happen.

I was in the last lap of the agenda I had mapped out for the day, enjoying a late afternoon meal with a friend when I received a distress call from my youngest son. He had accidentally locked himself out of his car and the house on a brutally cold wintry day. My friend immediately said we had to pack up our meal and take it home with us. My son could not be left out in the cold. So that is what we did.

I invited my friend to our home to finish our meal and stay for a visit. This unexpected twist turned a good afternoon into a great one. Words cannot do justice to the way we both felt as the afternoon unfolded when we just followed the path of least resistance. Any path that leads me home will always be good in my books but I was so pleased to share my enjoyment with a friend.

Trust your path. Embrace the unexpected - it may be leading you to something better than you could have ever hoped for. This just may be part of the recipe for a most excellent day.

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