Monday, March 25, 2019

Back to Life as I Know It

It never fails. It matters not how much I think I want to leave, coming home is ALWAYS the best part of going away.

The minute I had my head set on heading home, the count down began. How soon could I get there? How much could I accomplish once I got home? How much time would I have to myself at the end of the day? 

The closer I got to home, the calmer I felt. 

I didn't leave home to find answers. I left to hear myself think. The five hour drive each way provided me all the time I needed to find my own answers.

Answers. Does anyone really want someone to TELL them what to do? Or do most people simply need to hear their words outside their own head to hear what you need to hear when you bounce your thoughts off another human being?

I certainly wasn't looking for anyone to solve the mysteries of my life. Mostly I needed to space myself away from life as I know it. 

As good as it felt to get away, it feels better to be back. 

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