Friday, March 15, 2019

Delicate Balance of Life and Living

Life is a balancing act. The components within said life are ever-changing and always evolving. The only thing one can count on in life (besides death and taxes), is change.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not a big fan of change. But it keeps happening anyway. The secret is to maintain some balance within those times of flux.

There is a delicate balancing act required between work, play, self preservation, relationships, give/take, yin/yang and an infinite number of components one fits into a lifetime.

I'm at a rather enjoyable stage where I'm ready to fit "people" back into my days. It is not as easy as it sounds. At least not for me ...

I'm a morning person. By the time I get home each evening, I'm done. I've used all the tricks I've had up my sleeve to push through whatever the day brings.

The ebbs and flows of "life" keep things interesting. Pushing through challenges both exhaust and energize me. I just read a quote this morning that resonated within me:

"I've never met a strong person with an easy past." ~ Atticus 

Let me just say that I've had a week that has made me a stronger (and hopefully a little wiser) person. It was the kind of week where I should have worked five days but in my hope to add a little balance back into my work-oriented world, I made plans with a friend today. 

Today is a bonus day. I should be working. But since I'm not, I felt it was important to do something I never feel like I have the time to do. Friendship. It is an important component to the balance I'm seeking.

I am so blessed with the relationships I have within my friends, family and work world. They sustain me. Many these relationships are maintained through long distance means of communicating. Telephone, emails and texts keep me connected to those who are important to me in a manner in which I CAN sustain. It is the local variety of friendships which are suffering.

I've come a long way. I no longer crave solitude in the manner and quantity I needed before. But I do still love, love, love the way I feel when I am home. Alone within these walls of ours, reaching out to friends and family in a manner which I can do from the comfort of home, in my pajamas and "just the way I am".

I'm working to add a dimension to a balance which is working for me. Adding "socializing outside of my home" to this equation is hard. Thus, I created an opening for it during my regularly scheduled work week. And I feel just a tad guilty about that ...

Balance. It is a tricky concept. It is ever changing and evolving. But creating that balance that works for you within the here and now is life affirming. 

The need for this balance is most likely why I am still very stingy with my time outside of my work week. I'm doing well. I have been inviting people into our home on a regular basis since our renovation. It is a way to merge all that is important to me and keeps me feeling in balance. 

I am visualizing weigh scales in my mind as I write these words. Add a little too much on one side or the other and the balance is out of whack. I have been weighing heavy on the side of solitude for a long time. This was offset by the weight of the world on the other side of the scale.

The world is feeling a little lighter now. I'm ready to add a dose of socializing to my side of the scale. It's just a matter of how to fit this into what is already feeling pretty balanced and serene.

I will just keep inviting people into our home. That's all there is to it.

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