Thursday, March 21, 2019

I Hope It's Just the Moon

I started getting this "angsty" feeling this past weekend. Low confidence, over-thinking, anxiety ridden kinds of thoughts. This is not my regular day-to-day kind of thinking so I hoped it was "just the moon" and this too, would pass.

We are knee deep into the week and I can't loose the angst. The moon is full. Apparently it is a super moon or some such thing. We are fresh into the new season of spring. Perhaps something celestial is behind my unease.

The cats are restless. Jet, our bored kitty, is scratching doors, couches, bugging his partner in cathood, sleeping under the covers in ALL of the spare beds and just generally being a bit of a pest. He wants to go outside in the worst way. After dealing with the never-ending cat hair around her since our installation of laminate (which does NOT suck up cat hair the way our former wall-to-wall carpeting did), I'm half tempted to set him free. If it were not for the chip embedded under his skin which would guarantee his return home, I fantasized for a fraction of a second about letting him go ...

This is NOT my norm!

I toyed with the idea of hitting the highway and going to visit friends this upcoming weekend. I am craving the presence of people who have known me "forever" and vice versa. Laughter. Joy. Friendship. Youth. Energy. Vitality ...

I'm missing my Renovators. For five solid weeks, I felt the presence of youth, energy and vitality. Fresh ideas, creativity and watching the gradual evolution of "what was" to "what is" was life affirming. I had a life outside my regular work-week which infused me with new thoughts and a zeal for life I had been missing.

It must be Spring Fever. I feel Jet's inner desire to run out the door and see what adventures await. This unease is propelling me away from the safety and security I feel within these walls of ours. Perhaps it is not such a bad thing after all.

Is it the moon? Is it Spring Fever? Is it time for a change? Time will tell. In the meantime, the open door is calling out to me (and our cat). Maybe it's time to open the door and follow the path of least resistance...

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